Education Is The Path Out of Poverty
Around the world, young people are faced with financial challenges which prevent them from having the opportunity to attain higher education.
2020 Highlights:
Ageno assisted with the Construction of the Art Studio, where about 100 students gathered to learn art, played games, and had mentors encourage them. Children were not in school, because of the pandemic.
Ageno assisted with the construction of the Art Studio, where about 100 students gathered to learn art, played games, and had mentors encourage them. Children were not in school, because of the pandemic.
In Jamaica, Ageno supported Hill Top Basic School to make school Covid-Safe. We purchased a refrigerator and school supplies for students and teachers. Supported various ministries. Distributed school supplies, food items, clothing, and bibles were distributed to prisoners.
In Haiti, Ageno supported students in schools from Primary to Post Graduate years. Maintained the afterschool programs, social distancing and masks, enabling students to continue their excellence in education, despite the closing of schools, by receiving the schoolwork from teachers and tutoring the students.
Elijah Millard Education Program
On February 2, 2015 we launched the Elijah Millard Education Program. Children from nursery to high school are registered from the scholarship funds.
Not only do we support the students, we support the schools too. Providing school supplies and other resources needed to educate their students.
2020 Highlights:
EMEP continues to support 40 students (Elijah Millard Education Program, sponsoring students)
I call her hope because she listened to me and gave me hope.
I met Doctor Jamel Patterson in 2011/2012 at an event where they were giving out mosquito nets to the community and also food stuffs to the mothers with children below 5 years.
By then I survived on selling beads as a source of income for me and my daughter though the market was scarce.
That was when doctor Jamel after listening to my story askedme to bring my beads along with the other few women.
Aspiring to go back to school, by the grace of God she sold them in the USA and sent me back the money and I was able to register for my diploma there I saw my dreams becoming a reality.
Later I received a message from her that the foundation had accepted to pay for my tuition.
At last “HOPE”, I am now a diploma holder in information communications technology (ICT) I haven’t yet gotten a job but I believe God for a job and also to further my studies and obtain a degree.
She gave me hope and now I have given hope to two of my friends to go back to school. Through the little finance I still get from the beads I am trying to support my daughter together with three other little children.
“AGENO” meaning hope in my local language You gave me hope and now I live to pursue my dreams.
Thank You,
Patience Yamokili