Over 500,000 people now have access to clean water in Africa and India from Ageno Drilling boreholes for Clean Water. Learn More

Third Annual Living Water 5k Run/Walk Sign Up Donate Now Change the world. 5K & Family Fun Run Registration Change a life. The Ageno Foundation has provided over 500,000 people with access to clean water in Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, and India. The foundation will continue drilling boreholes to provide more access to clean water. Learn More A group of children and adults, some holding balloons and lollipops, happily pose together in an outdoor setting beside a corrugated metal wall. This cheerful gathering underscores the importance of community events supported by charity efforts to donate water and other essentials. A group of adults and children smiling, with some holding balloons. On the left, a map highlights regions including Jamaica, Haiti, and India. To the right, an Africa section lists Uganda, Congo, Kenya, and Malawi. The background is in a reddish tone. Your donation can help provide clean water to these communities.

Change the world. Change a life. A group of smiling children and adults are gathered together, holding balloons and lollipops. They appear to be in a cheerful setting outside near a corrugated metal wall. The image is overlaid with maps of India, Haiti, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, symbolizing global charity efforts to provide clean water. A group of adults and children smiling, with some holding balloons. On the left, a map highlights regions including Jamaica, Haiti, and India. To the right, an Africa section lists Uganda, Congo, Kenya, and Malawi. The background is in a reddish tone. Your donation can help provide clean water to these communities. A joyful group of children and adults laughing and holding balloons. There are map illustrations labeled "Jamaica," "Haiti," "Africa," "Uganda," "Congo," "Kenya," and "Malawi" overlaying the image, highlighting different regions benefiting from water charity projects. Faces are filled with happiness.

The Ageno Foundation has provided over 500,000 people with access to clean water in Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, and India. The foundation will continue drilling boreholes to provide more access to clean water. Learn More

If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 

James 2: 15-16

How to change the world Right now, there are brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, who spend much of their lives trying to obtain the basic essentials; clean water, adequate nutrition, modern education, decent healthcare, basic clothing, and reliable shelter. Our mission is to build a better safety net for these brothers and sisters in need. But the real miracle is what comes after we help our fellow humans realize these bare essentials; when humans aren't constantly pouring their energy into fulfilling their most basic physiological needs, their innate capacity for creativity and innovation is freed. They innovate. They plan. They become change agents for their community. And day by day, they start to change the world.

Together, we can help them do just that. Will you join us?
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Collage of children in various educational and communal activities. A smiling child in a blue uniform washes hands at a water tap. Another image shows young students drawing attentively. A group of older students listens to a teacher. Another group enjoys a meal together, thanks to generous donations.
A group of children and an adult gather around a small pond of murky water. Some children scoop water with cups, while others look on. The adult, a vet, appears to be testing the water using equipment. Trees and dry land are visible in the background.

School supplies. Mosquito nets. Covid-19. There are so many people living in chronic crisis. And when a new crisis comes along, we need to mobilize quickly to be the outstretched hand that they need. With your help, there are many ways we can change lives.


Community Development Communities need basic staples to become self sustaining and to thrive. Ovens, sewing machines, farming materials, and more. We work with communities to provide the staples they need to reduce suffering and unleash empowerment. Learn More Education Every child deserves a good education. Every child deserves to have their curiosity nurtured, directed, and cultivated. Every child deserves the tools to think for themselves, solve problems, and build a better world for their community. We help children with tuition, books, housing, transportation, and the other essentials to get a good education. Learn More Nutrition Going to bed hungry is a heartbreaking reality for many at risk families. We work to provide adequate nutrition to the most vulnerable. We distribute Millet, soymilk, sugar, general groceries, and meals distributed to those who were in need. Learn More Medical Missions There is so much illness within Africa and the Caribbean that can be treated with basic healthcare. We are committed to medical missions to provide this bedrock of a good life, and to ease the suffering of thousands of humans. Learn More Public Health
Basic public health measures, like mosquito nets, can change the trajectory of entire communities. Approximately 3.000 mosquito nets have been distributed. Because nobody should live in fear. Learn More
A group of children gather around a muddy waterhole. Some are filling containers with water while others drink from cups. An adult, possibly a veterinarian, is among them, aiding the children. The background shows a dry, rural landscape with sparse vegetation. A joyful group of children and adults gather in front of a corrugated metal wall. The children, clutching colorful balloons and lollipops, smile and laugh together. Even the local veterinarian joins in the merriment with the adults in the background, creating a vibrant and happy scene. A group of people engage in a charitable distribution of goods in an outdoor setting. One person hands a green bag to another, who wears traditional attire. Several others participate in the background, with bags and items around them. A tree is visible to the right. A collage featuring medical professionals, including a veterinarian, and community members in various settings. They are engaging in activities like examining medical supplies, interacting with adults and children, and posing for group photos. Some are seated outdoors, while others are in a clinic environment.

For animal lovers, by animal lovers. Pets change our lives and touch our souls. And this is their home away from home. How to help Pick an Initiative We rely on our generous donors to have the resources to touch so many lives in need. There are many ways to help. You can donate directly to our foundation, and 100% of your donated funds will go to the programs that currently need it most. Or you can pick from the different active initiatives that we have, and 100% of your donation will go to that specific initiative. We will update you on the difference that your donation has made, so that you can follow the story, and you can see how you changed a life, and changed the world. Donate to The Foundation Several young children sit closely together on the ground, focusing intently on drawing or coloring on sheets of paper. They are outdoors near a sandy area. The scene conveys a sense of concentration and creativity, as if inspired by a charity event where donations support their access to art supplies and clean water.

Change a Life There is so much suffering in this world. But compassion is greater than suffering. When you donate to our cause, you make a difference in the lives of real people. Real people who have hopes, dreams, fears, and needs. Real people who have promise, talents, and a belief in love. Real people who can be empowered to change their communities. This is our chance to build a better world.

Will you help us?
A group of five students, dressed in school uniforms, sit around a rectangular table in a classroom. They are engaged in discussion about organizing a charity event, with books, papers, and backpacks spread out on the table. The room is dimly lit, and there are chairs and a door in the background. A group of five children stand together, smiling in front of a beige wall. Dressed in various school uniforms—some in shirts and skirts or shorts, others in dresses—they pose happily for the photo. Their bright smiles radiate a sense of community, perhaps thanks to a recent charity donation that brought clean water to their school. A group of children sitting at blue desks inside a classroom, focused on drawing or writing on sheets of white paper. The room has corrugated metal walls, and the children are wearing hoodies and jackets. The lively environment showcases the impact of charitable donations as they engage in their activities. A group of school children in uniforms and a teacher are seated around a table, eating a meal. The children are wearing white shirts, red vests, and white hair ribbons. A jug of water is on the table. The setting appears to be a dining area with wooden cabinets and a refrigerator in the background. Several children and an adult are gathered inside a classroom. Some children are seated at desks working on tasks, while others are standing or moving around. The adult is looking at a book, and there are chalkboard writings and various classroom materials visible, encouraging students to donate water to those in need. A group of children gather around a small, muddy body of water. Some are holding containers, seemingly collecting water. An adult crouches down, holding a camera, capturing the scene for a charity dedicated to providing clean water to rural communities.